
Publié le par Marie Parker

Harrogate is one of the top 5 places to live in the UK we are buying a new house in Lynton Gardens with much more garden than Hurstleigh Terrace can offer.

Information about Harrogate:

The district of Harrogate in North Yorkshire is set pretty much bang in the centre of the UK – roughly equidistant from London and Edinburgh and from the east and west coasts.  Many of the district’s residents commute to nearby Leeds and Bradford, which are easily accessible by both rail and road.

Harrogate itself has been frequented by the upper classes since the discovery of its mineral springs in the 16th century, hence the establishment of its large hotels, especially during the late 19th and early 20th century. It is now one of Europe’s largest exhibition and conference centres.

  • 71.3% of students in Harrogate get five or more A* to C* grade GCSEs, the ninth best set of results in the country.
  • Life expectancy is higher than average at 77.8 years for men, and 82 years for women.
  • The area comes in the top 6% of areas in the UK for high levels of economic activity, and is in the top 30% for low crime.
  • Ranks third in the UK, behind London and Birmingham, as a conference and exhibition destination.

  • Harrogate ranks in the top 20% of local authorities that produce the most carbon emissions.

  • According to the Halifax the average house price is £229,199, down 5% from last year.

  • Harrogate was where Agatha Christie staged her disappearance in 1926.
  • The Eurovision Song Contest took place in Harrogate in 1982.
  • Knaresborough is not only the site of the oldest chemist shop in the UK, which was first opened in 1720, but also features the Knaresborough Bed Race, in which each summer teams compete pushing their specially decorated beds through the town.

  • Harrogate population information >>
    Harrogate Borough Council >>





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